After an interruption in ham radio activities and blog entries, I am back on the air, more or less. The interruption was due to several months of planning and executing a move to Guatemala and then getting settled here in my new digs and setting up a basic radio shack. At the moment I am only using a 26 foot vertical wire supported by a tree so my signal is not very good but I’m out there on PSK and Hellschreiber. You can usually find me evening and nights from 7070 to 7074, signing TG9/KW2P. Give me a call.
Once I collect the materials I plan to put up a 270 foot vertical loop. I have some tall trees here that will support a vertically oriented 80m full wave loop. I’ve had both vertical and horizontal loops of that size and they worked great so I expect good results, especially in the tropics where QRN can be a problem. The loop should improve things drastically but getting the materials down here takes some doing.
73 de Phil, TG9/KW2P
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